Monday, December 23, 2019
Personal Responsibility toward the Natural World - 1247 Words
Personal Responsibility toward the Natural World: The natural world is our only habitat that is a biotic system which experiences much stress to an extent that it threatens to fail in irreversible and significant ways. Currently, most of the huge environmental challenges that confront people such loss of biodiversity, climate change, pollution, and resource depletion have similar emerging patterns. Therefore, numerous changes are required to restore and stabilize the natural world into its functional integrity. In order to address the challenges effectively, there is need to examine the wellsprings of human motivation, caring, and social identity. This factor plays a critical role in understanding our personal responsibilities towards the natural world. Personal Responsibilities in Influencing Natural Resources: Some of the major problems that affect or influence our natural world and resources emanate from the increasing population across the globe that has is currently more than 8 billion people. The worlds population is estimated to be growing at a rate of 1.15 percent that accounts for 77 million people annually, which is less than the growth rate at the peak of the 1960s. While the growth rate has been decreasing significantly, there is a significant impact of the current population on the environment. This is largely because the huge population across the globe results in huge strains on the environment and natural resources. Consequently, sustaining theShow MoreRelatedTo What Extent Is It True to Claim That People Have an Individual Sense of Moral Responsibility for Environment? (35 Marks)1527 Words  | 7 Pageshave an individual sense of moral responsibility for environment? 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Fingers are pointed as the blame is cast on organizations such as church and state. It appears as if humanity has refused to accept that proper environmental management is everyones duty. Even though mankind was given the mandate to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth (Gen. 1: 28), it is the Christians responsibility, based on their knowledge of the Word, to preserve and restore the environment through education, change of lifestyle, and working towards betterRead MoreSustainability Revolution : Earth, The Plant We Call Home1537 Words  | 7 Pagesbalance of dynamic equilibriumâ€â€it has been sustainable since its beginnings about 4.5 billion years ago. This balance, however, has been progressively disrupted by us humans especially during the last few decades. Mother Nature has provided us with natural resources and the habitat for all species to sustain life on our planet earth. 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